After a year of developing my skills and building an audience, I thought it was time for a proper website. The building of this website has taken a while and is no where near finished as it will develop everyday just as I do. That's life though as 'Rome wasn't built in a day' and neither is anything worth doing. This site will show my favourite photos as I start looking at focussing on my career options but also follow my life through everything I do. Therefore, I believe an introduction is in order...
Hello, I'm Shay Who. I'm just a normal teenager developing her life through her passion of photography. I'm currently a full time student studying A level Psychology, Sociology and art. I'm half way through my second year so exams are coming up soon which puts a lot of pressure onto students and so I like to use my photography as a way to escape. All I need to do is jump on a train for an adventure to break away from all the stress. Earlier this year just before my As level exams I used my love for fashion to get away from the tense atmosphere of exams. I
participated in my local fashion week being a mannequin in a shop window and walking the catwalk for a range of high street shops. This helped me build some connections to local photographers and models but also helped me to enjoy life. I don't enjoy exams or even education just like many teenagers ,as life is about more than a piece of paper with a grade. Proof of this is that I'm currently part of the Breathe News team, an independent online news agency. I love being able to use my photographic skills to be a photojournalist for the team as well as writing articles from fashion and tourism to mental heath. This opportunity was not earnt by a grade on a piece of paper but by passion and working hard with the support of the team to enhance my writing skills. Although being a full time student in part time employment whilst also working for a News team can be tiring, it is giving me a chance to be successful in life in many ways which I don't believe a grade can. So, don't stress about education. Learning is important but learning for the sake of passing an exam is ridiculous. Learn about what makes you happy and work hard for what you want...
You never know, you might just get it.
xx Shay Who xx
